Quiz 3

Quiz 3 :
First i added the library «cmath» so i can use the functions for square and cubic root , then i declared some variables for to use as shown.

Inside the main function i ask the user for the value of x, then i send the value of x to the function Square_root , that returns the value for the result for the square root . when it finishes it goes back to the main and then sends the value of x to the function Cubic_root and returns a value for the result.

i have an if-else to decide if the x value is negative to decide if its a imaginary root.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double x1,x2,x, squareroot , cubicroot ;
double Square_root (double x) {
squareroot = sqrt( x );
return squareroot ;
double Cubic_root (double x) {
cubicroot = cbrt (x);
return cubicroot;
int main()
cout << «Escribe el valor de x» << endl;
cin >> x;
   x1 =  Square_root(x);
x2 = Cubic_root(x);
    if (x >0  ) {
    cout << «la raiz cuadrada de  » << x << «es  » << x1 << endl;
cout << «la raiz cubica de  » << x << «es  » << x2 << endl;
else {
cout << «La raiz es imaginaria » << endl;
return 0;

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